Another Variation of the Ice Cream Sandwich Dessert

Last July I blogged about a Butterfinger Ice Cream Sandwich Dessert. There are so many ways that you can variate this recipe. Today, I am going to give you the new improved variation. I like to think of it as improved because my current pregnancy favorite is coconut. So guess what. This recipe has something in it that is going to blow your mind! Well, that is if you love the Girl Scout Somoas! Keebler came out with their version called the Coconut Dreams. I was all over this like white on rice. These are my victims.

You know the drill. Lay out your ice cream sandwiches in a row.

Slather some Cool Whip on those babies. I chopped up my cookies to throw on top. Feel free to just layer them on whole like a banana pudding. Squirt the syrups of choice on top and bam. I should mention that if you so choose and you are feeding a large party, layer this like a lasagna. This large pan fed the 5 of us for 2 nights.  This is my new favorite variation. The man, who is not a fan of coconut, ate it up! The Things ate every bite of dinner without complaint for two nights in a row so they could have this dessert.

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