Roasted Sweet Potato

I grew up in the south. Ya’ll know that. What I am about to tell you may shock you. I’m not proud of it, but it is the truth. Ya’ll ready? I HATED SWEET POTATO…. until now. All of my southern friends are like, “WHAT?! Not even sweet potato casserole?” Puts head down in shame. Not even sweet potato casserole. I grew up watching everyone eating it one way: with cinnamon and butter. Don’t get me wrong ya’ll. I love some butter and cinnamon, but on BREAD! I mean, that’s like asking me to put sugar in grits. Mind blowing to me. So I tried them roasted and everyone said, Amen. Angels came out to sing and my children ate of the orange food group once again. They haven’t seen that stuff since they were six months old. You laugh. I tell you the truth. So, how does one roast some sweet potato. Glad you asked.

Roasted Sweet Potato
Author: Tara Norman


  • 2 Sweet Potoates
  • 1/2 small onion
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 375
  2. Peel sweet potato and dice
  3. Dice onion finely
  4. Place both in an oven safe dish
  5. Pour olive oil over the potato and onion mixture. Using a spoon toss to make sure all of it is coated well
  6. Add salt and pepper as desired
  7. Bake for 1 hour
  8. Enjoy!


Easter Meal Recipes and Easter Eggs

Good Morning! I am writing this in a dash as I have to run and pick up Thing 1 from testing. I wanted to get this out to you as I know many of you are planning to do Easter Eggs today or tomorrow and Easter Menu Planning is under way!

Let’s start with the menu!

Baked Brie for appetizer
(I am going to use a GF pie crust and wrap it around the brie!)

Crock Pot ham
I did this last year and it was awesome!

Asparagus Au Gratin
We love this!

Macaroni and Cheese

GF Ciabatta Bread

Apple Crisp for Dessert


The Eggs!



How we made them:

Bake eggs in muffin tin at 300 degrees for 30 minutes (thank you Pinterest!)

Take a wet paper towel and wrap around cooled hard boiled egg. Have your things drop food coloring over the egg wrapped in the paper towel. Let them squirt the egg in the paper towel once or twice with a water bottle. While holding the egg, give your egg and paper towel a slight squeeze to get rid of an excess water. Leave the egg in the paper towel to dry over night (I placed ours in the empty egg carton but be sure to place a plate underneath as it did bleed through our cardboard carton over night). In the morning, remove paper towel and marvel at the cool designs your Things made!

Aren’t these rad?! I can’t take credit for this awesome idea! I got it from Pinterest of course. What a different world we live in!

Have fun with your Things this week crafting!

A Mid-Year Change in Homeschool Curriculium

Photo Credit

Sometime after Christmas I was looking at curriculum and evaluating where Thing 1 and Thing 2 were in the year, I had a moment where I thought about bumping Thing 1 up to Essentials next year (Classical Conversations). I thought maybe she could handle it. That is until I actually looked into what they were doing. Then I had the oh no moment you never want to have as a homeschooling parent.

This past summer, a good friend from Texas and I were chatting curriculum and she said, “Tara, look at Shurley English.” I did and promptly reported back to her I was going to stick with the Abekka route this year. I wanted a simple, no fuss, curriculum this year since we were starting Classical Conversations and I was having Thing 4 in the fall. After looking through the material I knew that Thing 1 would be ok to wait on Shurley’s because she was going to learn all of that stuff between 3rd and 4th grade with Abekka. That stuff being parts of speech. After all, why change her, she was writing full paragraphs before the end of first grade. Never mind that she didn’t understand what an adjective was or what I was looking for when I said, “Be more descriptive!” At the time, I wasn’t even thinking about the impact my English curriculum would have on our Classical Conversations curriculum.

We know that we want to continue with Classical Conversations in our future curriculum. We love the results it produces and the smiles on our Thing’s faces every time we review. It is their favorite part of school. Mine too. Knowing that Classical Conversations is where we are going to root ourselves, I want to make sure that I am setting them up for success. Staying put with Abekka was not going to work. As soon as I realized where she needed to be in order to take full advantage of Essentials in 4th grade, I made the switch. Shurley’s is a 28 week curriculum. I started her in Level 2 now rather than wait until fall and Start Level 3 (which she would have struggled with greatly). My plan is to continue Shurley’s through the summer. We should be through all of our other curriculum by early May.

What is Shurly teaching?

I did not know this until I actually got my book, but in addition to teaching them vocabulary words, parts of speech, and jingles to learn the parts of speech, they are also learning states and capitals. I was very pleased about this! I know we will be learning them in CC, in Cycle 2 or 3, but I was/am happy to see the curriculum coincide so well. We made it through one full week plus part of a second before stopping to work on Memory Master. Thing 1 now knows the difference between synonyms and antonyms. She can look her vocabulary words up in a dictionary on her own, write the meaning, and she can then tell me if the vocab words are synonyms or antonyms. She has learned the capital and postal abbreviation for Alabama.

She is picking up on the jingles with out any issues. In fact, I believe Thing 2 has the verb jingle completely memorized because he and Thing 1 think the jingle is hilarious and they sing it over and over. As early as the next lesson, the students are labeling subject nouns and verbs in a sentence.

By the end of the curriculum they will be labeling parts of speech and doing Question and Answer flows. This is something that if you are going to go through Essentials, you will want to be prepared for. An example:

“The church bell rang loudly in my ears.

1. What rang loudly in my ears? bell- SN

2. What is being said about the bell? bell rang- V

3. Rang how? loudly- ADV

4. In- P

5. In what? ears- OP

6. Whose ears? my- PP

7. What kind of bell? church- ADJ

8. The- A

9. SN V P1 check

10. (in my ears)- Prepositional Phrase

11. Period, statement, declartive sentence

12. Go back to the verb- divide the complete subject from the complete predicate.”

(Shurley Instructional Materials, Inc. p 396, Lesson 27)

They will also be able to give you the capital and postal abbreviation for all of the states.

Does she like it?

Recently, her tutor from CC asked if she did and she said no. I have no idea what prompted her to say that because she really does. She LOVES the jingles. At first, I had her doing the journaling that is supposed to go along with each lesson. I quickly nixed that. Maybe next year, but for this year she can choose to write in her own journal or write a letter to someone. I think the journaling was not up her alley. She does like to journal, but on her own terms, in her own secret journal. I respect that.

I am actually super excited about Shurly’s. Over the summer when I first looked at it, I thought it was too soon for a second grader to learn and understand all of the parts of speech. That just isn’t so if it is presented the right way. I wish I had learned it this way. If your child is in CC they already know all of their prepositions and helping verbs which is helpful. Again, the curriculums pair nicely. That is about all that I can give you for now as far as knowledge about the curriculum. Feel free to ask me more as I dive deeper into it over the summer.

Which leads me to our plans for next fall. Since Thing 4 has arrived, I find myself missing the simplicity of being a SAHM and not a homeschooling SAHM. Please don’t misunderstand where I am coming from. I do enjoy watching my children learn and all that jazz… but I miss the crafting, the coloring, and the goofing off. Since Thing 4, I just can’t find the time for that. Next year is going to be different. I am thinking of schooling for a few weeks, then taking one or two off just to craft, enjoy the pool, and be a family. School a few weeks then take 2 off again. We start so early every year that I don’t see this as being an issue. Also, I believe the breathers will be welcomed in the midst of our ever- changing busy schedules. Maybe four weeks on one week off, or six weeks on and two off? I haven’t decided yet, but I need to build those breaks in. My Things are growing up before my eyes and even though I homeschool, and I am a SAHM, I am missing out on all of the things I love to do and want to do with them. That just doesn’t sit right with me so that is definitely going to have to change. Does anyone have this type of schedule for homeschool? How does it work for you? I would really love input here. I am on this adventure/journey, call it what you will, right along with ya’ll. If we can’t bounce ideas off of each other, then what?

I have a few very exciting things coming soon that I can’t share yet. Soon! Because of these exciting things, I will be making some changes on the blog. Once they are all done I will let you know. Stay tuned!

I love to hear from my readers. Sometimes there are crickets out there. If you haven’t yet, please sign up to have my posts sent directly to your email account. The field to do so is directly under the Mommy Blogger Button!

How We Became A GF Family


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I have had a few of you ask how we became gluten free so this post is for you.

We made the decision to become a gluten free family in January. A few years ago, I had a hunch Thing 2 had gluten issues based on his behavior after meals. He would bend over holding his stomach in pain after a sandwich. He had some other signs as well that made me wonder. We decided to have him tested for Celiacs during an operation to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. He had already been on a GF diet for a few weeks by that time. I did not realize going GF before the test would mess with the results until a year later. When the test came back negative for Celiacs, I was really confused. I decided from that point forward to limit his bread intake. At that point in our menu planning you can see that I changed up our lunches from sandwiches. I limited bread to maybe 2 times a week. I saw an improvement in him, but not enough to make me not try to do more so I added more fruit and vegetables.

Right after I came off all of my pain medications from my last c-section, I started noticing the intense pain my body was in. I thought something was really wrong with me. My shoulders have hurt for a large portion of my adult life but I had always assumed it was stress. When I would get massages, the only place they ever focused on was my shoulders and they tried to teach me exercises to help relieve the tension, but it never worked. The summer before my c-section I had been using a shampoo to help stimulate re-growth in my hair. Everyone assumed my hair was falling out because of my last pregnancy and that my hormones had not caught back up with my body. After using the shampoo one day, my scalp felt like it was on fire. I immediately quit using that shampoo, but still had no idea what really triggered it. I sent out a question on FB one day asking if anyone ever felt like they had the flu from stress. I received a few emails, but one caught my eye. Someone suggested an intolerance to gluten. I looked it up and thought, really? Me? No way! This whole time I was sure Thing 2 had a sensitivity, but not me. I looked into it and sure enough each of us deals with a gluten intolerance differently and it doesn’t always show up in the form of stomach issues.

Did I get tested? No. Why? Well, I decided to try to go GF for a few weeks with Thing 2 and truly see if I felt different. I didn’t see any reason to get poked and prodded if in the end I did or did not feel better. I figured the proof would be in the bread so to say. A few weeks went by and without me even realizing how quickly my body changed, it did. The pain I carried around in my shoulders disappeared, my mind felt clearer and not foggy, I had engergy  and did not experience the 3pm downward spiral everyday (it still happens because I am human, but the lack of energy is not immobilizing). Interestingly enough, veins showed back up on my eyeballs. I am not a doctor, and I didn’t see one for a diagnosis, but I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, I am sensitive to gluten. Beyond that, what it means for me, is that every shampoo, piece of makeup, lotion, toothpaste, food I handle, gum I chew has to be GF or I feel it. I feel it like I have never felt it before. I only tested myself a few times to make sure, and I am positive after accidentally having gluten or handling gluten foods, or using shampoo with wheat, that I am sensitive. I don’t need a label or a doctor to tell me that. We tested Thing 2 after he went GF for a few weeks and after giving him a small handful of gold fish he threw up. We put him back on a GF diet for a few weeks and tried one more time with a few cubes of french bread and he threw that up. That solved that. So, that’s interesting and all but you are wondering how I made the switch.

I remember the moment I started looking at everything in our pantry and freezers and realized almost all of our food contained wheat. I was overwhelmed and freaked out. Wheat, processed in on machines that contain wheat.. it was on everything. The first thing I did was make a mental note of how I felt at that exact moment. I felt horrible. I had just finished testing myself for the last time and my body hurt. Even my fingers. I knew it was going to be a hard transformation for me unless I mentally got on board with this new life and so I did. I took note of every pain in every joint on my body that day and I remembered it.

Next, I grabbed boxes and started filling them up with all the food that contained wheat.  Don’t worry, I did not throw it away. I gave it to some good friends. It was so discouraging to see a bare pantry and know I had no flour. Next. I went to Vitacost and ordered flours and snacks. My first order was $68, but it contained all that we would need to start fresh with a healthy life. I knew enough about GF foods to know better than to buy what I needed to restock my pantry from a grocery store. That’s not to say I don’t buy Udi’s pizzas or bread from the grocery store, because I do. When it comes to buying flours and snacks, those come from Vitacost. I use GF noodles when making pastas or lasagna (I do spend the extra money to pick those up from the grocery store or Whole Foods), I make my bread when I have time, and now I have to plan a little more to have really cool breakfasts like pop tarts or cinnamon rolls that are GF. Do I miss bread filled with gluten? Am I alive? YES! What I miss most is a buttered biscuit with ham from Bojangles. I am so country. I own it.

If you are doing this for a lifestyle change (because let’s face it, it is healthier to be GF), or because you feel like you may have sensitivity to it, try be budget conscience about menu planning. Go with meals that do not need extra purchases for flour or noodles.

Here are some suggestions:

1. GF Chicken or Italian Dish

2. GF Crock Pot Roast

3. Stuffed Peppers

4. Chili

5. Butternut Squash Soup

For breakfast, go with a smoothie or yogurt. For lunch, I always eat salad and fruit. Being GF doesn’t mean you need to spend hundreds of dollars a week in groceries, but you do need to get use to the idea of eating healthier. Salads, nuts, fruits (fresh and dried), and brown rice are your friends. Once a mom always a mom. If you have an Aldi in your area, try shopping there to keep your grocery bill low. Our BJ’s (A Costco or Sam’s) carries a large variety of GF snacks and breakfast bars. I do grab a few things from there as well.

I hope I have been able to encourage those who asked for this post and shed light on easy ways to become GF without borrowing from the bank. Please feel free GF veterans to leave comments sharing recipes or ideas to help those of us who are new in this journey.

This is another resource for those of you who would like more information: Gluten Free on a Budget- ThriftySue

GF Italian Chicken or Fish Dish and letting Things help

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

We have had a long week over here. It has been filled with SAT preps, Memory Master prep for Classical Conversations, some colds, and an ear infection. I will be glad to finally get to our weekend! Some weeks are just like that, right? Thank goodness I know Who to go to, or cry out to when I am weary.

I have a few goodies coming up soon. I have had a few requests lately for posts. The following are coming your way: The Change of Plan in Homeschool This Year; How We Transitioned to a GF Diet; A Guest Post TBD.

Today we are going to chat food. This recipe was inspired from a recipe my sister gave me for Salmon. You can use this recipe on fish or chicken. I know you are thinking, “FISH?!” Would I steer you wrong? We are not fish eaters, especially Salmon, and this was just wonderful on it! No fishy taste or smell in the house!

So, don’t hate me, but I don’t have exacts for this one. It’s an add until it looks good type of recipe. This recipe is great for the little sues chefs in your home. I have a few of those, so when appropriate, I allow them to help me. Allowing your Things to help you in the kitchen builds memories, teaches them patience (especially needed at 2-3 years old), a beginning and ending, and process forming thoughts. Not a psychologist, but I do know these things to be true because I watch the wheels turning in Thing 3’s mind when he is helping me. Also, when they help, they are proud of what they have helped create and are more likely to eat what you serve.


GF Italian Chicken Dish
Author: Tara Norman

4 chicken breasts
2 large tomatoes
Olive Oil
Onion Salt
Minced Garlic
Salt to taste

Preheat oven to 350
In a small bowl mix olive oil, basil, and minced garlic. I had my assistant Thing 3 do the mixing. Feel free to sing a song while mixing. His original song was, “I mix, and a mix, and a mix, and a mix, and miiiiiiix!” Lay your chicken breasts in an oven safe dish. Have your sues chef help spoon the mixture onto the chicken breasts. Mamma or daddy, go ahead and cut your tomatoes. Let your sues chef place the tomatoes whereever they can find space in the dish. Let them hold the olive oil bottle with you while you drizzle some over your tomatoes. Hold onto the shakers, but let them sprinkle just a little Oregano, onion salt, and salt over the whole dish (I say hold on to… maybe I should say be ready to tilt up the shakers, ha!). Bake for 1 hour. Baking time may change based on how thick your chicken breasts are.

If you are Thing 3, you will wait by the oven the entire 60 minutes so you can watch your creation cook. It’s amusing to me how Things never have patience until they are waiting for their creations to finish cooking! This is not something I asked him to do. He just grabbed his little stool, pulled over all his toys, and sat. At one point, he pulled every pot and baking pan he could get his hands on and had all of his Toy’s Story guys taking a swim in the pots. I think there was a car chase involved, but I digress. This is real patience for this Thing. Waiting for me to open a breakfast bar proves to be too long for him at times.  I enjoy the moments I see him truly exercising patience on his own.


Oh yeah, the food. Once your chicken is cooked through, remove from oven and serve. You could eat this by itself (with another side) or serve over a GF pasta with extra sauce and mozzarella. This is how we ate our last night.

For Fish

Roast tomatoes first in oven preheated to 400 for 15 minutes. Lay the fish over the tomatoes and season your fish the same way you seasoned the chicken above. Cook for 15 minutes or until the fish is flaky and cooked through. Enjoy!

Find order in cooking, make memories at the table, and feel good about what you are feeding your family as it was made by your loving hands.

I love to hear from my readers. Sometimes there are crickets out there. If you haven’t yet, please sign up to have my posts sent directly to your email account. The field to do so is directly under the Mommy Blogger Button!

Peanut butter Oatmeal Muffins

Can you believe Easter is almost here? This year is going by incredibly fast! Just as I was mentally wrapping up our school year, I had a “oh no!” moment when I realized I needed to change up Thing 1’s curriculum. More to come on that in another post. I did a curriculum change mid- year as well as moved Thing 2 up to kinder. I have no idea what this all means for summer break. I really think I am going to switch up what a school year looks like for us. More to come on those ideas as well. Haha. I’m thinking as I type (from my phone). That’s how I roll sometimes. I’m a mom of 4 who just sat down for the evening at its 10:30pm; and that’s the simple truth.

These were inspired from a cookie recipe I saw on Instagram yesterday. They truly do not need the icing, but I had some left over from making poptarts so I drizzled some over the muffins. Best served with milk (or coffee). Before I forget how I made these yummy things…

Peanut butter Oatmeal Muffins
Author: Tara Norman

2 C GF Old Fashion Oats
2 mashed bananas
2 Tbsp (heaping tbsp) peanut butter
2 Tbsp Vanilla Almond Milk
3 Tbsp raisins
1/2 Tbsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp Agave

Bake in muffin cups at 375 for 25 minutes.

For icing:
Mix 2 Tbsp powdered sugar with 1Tbsp milk. Drizzle over muffins as desired.

These could be made into bars as well. I think next time I’m making a bar version just to keep it interesting.


Foodie Friday

LogosMenu Planning: do you do it? If not, why? I plan our family’s menu around my husband’s paychecks. Since he gets paid every two weeks, I only go grocery shopping every two weeks. This allows me to stay on budget and not overspend on groceries. Another great thing about menu planning is that I am not starring into a pantry and refrigerator at 5pm everyday wondering what I can piece together. I choose what we will eat each morning and pull the meat out when I wake up to thaw. 

It’s Friday!! Whoop Whoop! I haven’t begun to menu plan for us for the next two weeks so I am going to give you our last cycle. When throwing yours together be sure to think of easy meals for days that you know you won’t have time or energy and always have a meal on hand (frozen pizza or spaghetti) for those days that you can’t get it together in time.

1. CrockPot Zupa Toscanna
2. Tex Mex Beef Wraps (two meals)
3. Meatloaf and Rosemary potatoes (Prep and Freeze Meal)
4. Roasted Red Chili Crock Pot Stir Fry
5. Beef Stroganoff
6. Baked Potato Soup
7. Oven Fried Chicken, corn, and my favorite roasted asparagus
8. Crock Pot Ranch and Onion Flavored Roast
9. Chicken Fajitas and salsa
10. Arroz con Pollo
11. Chicken Salad
12. Crock Pot wings and wedges
13. Leftovers
14. Leftovers

The Things Lunch Menu is being provided by MOMables for the next few weeks! Have you seen their product? I am getting the Gluten Free Menu delivered to my inbox! One less thing for me to come up with! I love it!

Have a wonderful weekend!

I love to hear from my readers. Sometimes there are crickets out there. If you haven’t yet, please sign up to have my posts sent directly to your email account. The field to do so is directly under the Mommy Blogger Button!

Gluten Free Crock Pot Ranch and Onion Roast

We have just ended a budget series and one of the things that helps set the stage for success is having a plan. Menu planning definitly keeps me on target and in budget. Tomorrow is Foodie Friday. I will share my 14 day menu plan with you to give you some ideas. To the right of my blog is a Menu Plan button. Clicking that button takes you to the menu plans listed on this site.

Have a plan for the weekends. I don’t know about you, but Thursdays are my Friday. I am so ready for some downtime on Friday that cooking is the last thing I want to do. The same can be said for my Sundays. We don’t get home from church until after 1pm. By the time I get everyone down for a nap it’s 3:00 pm. Time to start dinner. No fun. So, I try to plan crock pot meals for Fridays and Sundays. We all need rest on Sunday so let your crock pot do the work for you. I just so happen to have a great recipe to get you started this weekend. *wink*

Crock Pot Ranch And Onion Flavored Roast
Author: Tara Norman

1 tbsp dill

1 tbsp thyme

1 tbsp garlic minced or salt (I used freshly ground salt)

1 package of GF French Onion Soup Mix (dry or both)

6-8 small red potatoes

GF Chicken or Beef Broth (pour in enough to reach the sides of the roast)

1-2 pound boneless chuck roast ( any kind of roast will do- this is a cheaper roast).

Put your roast and potatoes in first. Add seasoning. Pour in broth to desired level. Cook on low for 6-8 hours and let it go.

I love to hear from my readers. Sometimes there are crickets out there. If you haven’t yet, please sign up to have my posts sent directly to your email account. The field to do so is directly under the Mommy Blogger Button!

Budget Series Part 4: In The Meantime….

In case you are just finding me I have been writing about budgets and paying off debt. This is the fourth and final post (for now wink, wink) about budget. Today we are going to talk about in the meantime…


Photo Credit

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

You have a budget, a plan to pay off debt, but what do you do in the meantime? Do you feel overwhelmed by the length of time it’s going to take you to pay off debt? Do you feel discouraged? Yes and yes. I do too. It didn’t take us long to get into this mess, but it is taking forever to get out of. We are the generation of now. Our kids will be the generation of- I needed that yesterday. Think about it. We have everything at our fingertips now. There is no waiting. We used to wait to receive a paper check and have to wait to take it to the bank, then wait for it to clear. Now checks are automatically deposited and the money is available the same day. We used to have to wait until we got home to call someone. Now we just use a cell phone that goes everywhere with us. I could go on with examples, but you get the point. We no longer wait or expect to have to wait on anything. How many times have you been mad at your spouse because they didn’t pick up the phone with you called their office? You didn’t leave a message but instead called their cell. When they didn’t pick that up you sent a text or email. Businesses treat their employees the same way. We have lost patience. We don’t leave messages any longer. Instead we try the four methods of contact (email, cell phone, text, and social media) to get an immediate answer. Because we don’t/don’t have to exercise patience in any other area of our life, we are out of practice. Paying off debt requires a lot, I repeat, a lot, of patience. When Thing 2 was little I tried to teach him patience. I use to tell him to hold onto his patience. He would form his hands into fists. As he sat waiting on his sippy cup to be refilled or our line to move forward in the grocery store I would ask if he needed more. “Yes, more!” I would reach in my pocket and grab some patience and give them to him. If he was really running low on patience I would pretend to feed them to him. They went straight to his belly and he would give me 2 more minutes. God has prepared us a meal of patience in His word. Philippians 4:6 says ,”Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” His word is full of meals of patience. Matthew 6:25-34, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” What’s my point? When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, discouraged, or down, feed yourself with the word of God. Wait on the Lord! Psalm 27:14, “Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.”

Malachi 3:10

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LordAlmighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

In the meantime… be faithful and obedient. Tithe. Give your first fruits, 10%, to God. Holy cow do I know how painful it was the first time we tithed a full 10%! I know that reluctance, I know that thought of really? That’s like a car payment! Been there. It doesn’t matter. It was never yours to begin with. Tithing is what God tells us to do. It doesn’t matter if we don’t feel like it. We simply choose to obey or not. God can’t release His financial blessings over you until you obey. Which leads to me our story. When we first moved to Texas, one of my prayers to God was that we would get out of debt so I could be a SAHM (stay at home mom). I was a project manager in my former life in the business world. Big surprise there, right? When we moved, I got a job as a temp at a big company. God blessed me with a raise in my salary that was about 30k more than I was making in Florida. I knew it was not because I was that sought after, or that good at my job: I knew it was God. Only God. I told the Man I felt we needed to tithe my whole first paycheck (all 100% of it) as a seed in paying off our debt. He looked at me like I was nuts. We really needed that paycheck to jump start our debt buster. We prayed and both felt that was what needed to happen so when I got my first paycheck, the entire paycheck went in the tithe. Within three months God blessed us with another 20k raise and a job down the street from my home working at the same place as the Man. If you are keeping track I had now moved up to almost 50k in my salary because of our obedience to move to Texas and to tithe my first check as a seed. It. was. awesome! We were paying off debt super fast! Then I got pregnant with Thing 2. God was pouring out the blessings left and right. Five months into my pregnancy with Thing 2 I was laid off. My current job was relocating to Seattle. I was given the opportunity to move with it, but knew that was not God’s plan. I received a severance and that was that. I remember everyone at work talking about the girl who got laid off and she was 5 months pregnant. Weird to hear people talking about you, around you, and they have no idea you are that girl. We were so close to paying off our debt. We got discouraged for a few weeks with our lack of understanding. But God. He took care of it all and within a few months He showed us where we had money and we were CC debt free. It never made sense to us on paper how we did it so fast because it was never our doing, it was always God. He is the one who made it happen. We can not alone. You do need help. You need God’s help. Be faithful, pray, tithe, and be purposeful with your money.

Paying off debt and living debt free is a way of life. It means making sure you have a plan for everything including meals and snacks. Thus why I menu plan. You cannot go to the store and spend your money wisely without a plan: otherwise, you are roaming the aisles, putting meals together in your head on the fly, throwing way more snacks than you need in your buggy and just overdoing it financially. When shopping, always look at the very top or the very bottom of the shelves for the product you desire. Never the middle or the end of the aisle. The most expensive items in that product line are located there. The grocery store is set up for the unplanned shopper. That is a fact. There is an entire industry built around consumer behavior and every major retail company has a per sale goal that they are using their science against you to attain. Ever wonder why your Target bill is always $75-$100?

If you menu plan, you will find that you won’t do the five o’clock stare into the pantry and refrigerator. You won’t wonder what to pack your kids for lunch every morning. You won’t have to worry about what to give your toddler for a snack in the middle of their 4 o’clock melt down. I have four kids and I homeschool which means I have to plan ahead for every meal and every snack. I get tired, unmotivated, and burnt out. When I menu plan I throw in at least 4 quick easy meals. Most of the time those are meals that can go in my crock pot. I do make snacks and lunches ahead of time, or least prep what I can the night before. I often spend my Saturday morning making the bread, the muffins for breakfast, or the breakfast bars for the following week. I didn’t say this is easy. Planning ahead allows me to resist the urge for quick fixes. Quick fixes meaning fast food, take out, and delivery. Plan and budget for big ticket items that are coming up: Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, and vacations. Planning ahead changes your perspective. Instead of winging it and throwing it on a credit card, you are now in control and telling your money where to go each paycheck. You have a plan.

Pray over every check you send out. Over the weekend we paid off a credit card that we have grown to loathe (I am sure we all have that one)! This company was so sneaky that they kept lowering the minimum payment so that the interest each month was greater than the minimum payment. We were paying them money to go further in debt each statement (KEEP AN EYE ON THAT). It was so exciting to pay that final payment. Inside my head I was doing backflips and a jig. Physically the noose around my neck got a little looser and my shoulders feel a little lighter. Before you click confirm on that computer screen or lift that flag on the mailbox, pray together. Even if it is over the phone. Thank God that He brought you through that debt and ask for continued strength and guidance as you wait to be delivered from the next.

There is one more thing I want to share with you that we do. When the Man receives a bonus each year we tithe our 10% and then we give the Things a small bonus. We look at our family unit as a team. We all support the Man all year long while he works hard to provide for us. When the bonus comes we give a small reward to our Things for being supportive and to show them that this is a family effort. They each receive a determined amount that they can then spend on whatever they want within their budget. They look forward to this every year and it teaches them patience, budgeting, and rewards them for being part of our family team. The rest of this year’s bonus went towards immediate needs and debt. I never. ever. let it sit. Ever. Not when there is debt to be paid. It’s too easy to spend that money on other things that you can justify and get off track. The devil is sitting on your shoulder waiting for your weakest moment to whisper a little something in your ear about spending it here… or wouldn’t it be nice if we… if I had a few hundred I could… DON’T FALL FOR IT! Have a plan and tell your money where to go as soon as you get it!

In closing, I want you to know you are not alone. Don’t be ashamed because you are in debt. Instead, be proud because you are on this journey and have a plan to get out of it. Remember to pray, go to God to be “fed” some patience, and stick with it. As always, I am here to bounce ideas off of and listen. I can’t do it for you but I can pray with you while you go through it. Purpose to be debt free and in the meantime plan and pray. You can do this! I promise! Wait on the Lord and have patience to see it through! God bless.

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